Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dairy Product

Dairy product is used by the people about thousands years ago. Though it seems normal to use the dairy products but through the use of it people are suffering from Crohn's Disease. Dairy product is not considered as a natural product for the human diet, as it indigested by our body.

The digestive system and physiology of the human are still same as it was earlier before 100,000 years ago. Through which we can say that we can digest the diet that is rich in fruit, food and vegetables which was mostly unrefined and unprocessed and this does not contain dairy product. Humans are the only one animal that had the milk throughout their adult life. Cow is a mammal who feed the milk to their younger ones for certain period of time and will begin to eat grass as their diet. Consuming the dairy product may not have any ill effect but it is always having side affect in the human body.

Through the high dairy consumption people are having the problems related to their bones such as osteoporosis. Some countries in which people have low dairy consumption are not having the problems related to bone especially at the old age. So, dairy is not considered as a natural food for the human body. Consuming a lot of dairy product act as alcohol in the bone of our body. It will also take all the alkaline minerals from the bone and other places of the body to equal the amount the acid formed from the affect of the dairy product. Though the truth is known by the dairy industry but pretend as they don’t know anything in order to run their business. In order to neutralize the acid of the body and protect the body it gives burden to the body. If the use of the dairy will have allergy but still continue to use it then Crohn’s disease symptoms get worse and any natural affect like medicine would be effective less.

In conclusion through the use of the dairy products Crohn’s diseases get more diet. Through which natural approaches may succeed or fail in order to recover the diseases. One of the most essential things that should be done in order to maintain health is to eliminate the use of the diary product and have the diet like food, fruit and vegetables. Hence, dairy is not considered as a natural product and diet food.

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